Direção-Geral de Recursos da Defesa Nacional

The DGRDN's mission is to design, develop, coordinate and implement policies on human resources, armaments, equipment, assets and infrastructures necessary for national defence. Mission The DGRDN has the following values: Competence We impose responsible and recognised knowledge and action, which implies mobilising, integrating and transferring knowledge, resources and skills that add economic and social value to the DGRDN and to citizens. Responsibility We take responsibility for our work, we defend the prestige of DGRDN and all its workers, we are accountable at all times for our acts, proposals and decisions, and we permanently practice rigour, impartiality and impartiality. Ethics We strive for professional performance based on criteria of honesty, trust and credibility, in favour of the common good and individual well-being, through the fulfilment of duties and commitments, the appropriate use of available resources and effective and transparent communication with all institutional partners and other stakeholders. Rigour We carry out our activity and guide our actions by criteria of rigour and reliability in terms of work processes, the information provided and compliance with response deadlines, based on a high degree of integrity in the search for results. Commitment We conduct our dedication to public service with a spirit of mission, in compliance with the law and respect for the legally protected rights and interests of citizens, with absolute loyalty to the organs of the democratic rule of law, in particular the Government.

General information


Avenida Ilha da Madeira N.º 1, 2.º Piso

Point of Contact

Carlos Miguel da Silva Monginho

919 452 517


Areas of interest
