Terms and conditions

This platform is managed by idD Portugal Defence and is subject to these Terms and Conditions. As a user, you should read them carefully before continuing to use the platform.

idD Portugal Defence is a company, exclusively publicly owned, with joint supervision of the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Finance.

By accessing this platform, entitled Smart Defence you agree to the Terms and Conditions explained here. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should not use the platform.

1. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

idD Portugal Defence (hereinafter idD) reserves the right to change the present Terms and Conditions when necessary. Whenever changes are made to these Terms and Conditions, it will be communicated when accessing the platform, through an email, or through the notification system of the platform, along with a request for acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions.

If the request for acceptance is refused, you may not continue to use the platform or access it. Changes made to the Terms and Conditions do not apply retroactively and take effect on the day they are published.

The date of the most recent update will be clearly indicated at the top of the page.

As a user, you can read these Terms and Conditions at any time by using the link placed at the footer of the platform’s page.

The Terms and Conditions explained herein apply only to the use of this platform and are therefore not applicable to any external sites whose links are provided on this platform. Such links are provided for the sole purpose of facilitating access to additional information and for the convenience of the user.

idD cannot be held responsible for any errors, outdated information, or damages that may result from the access and/or use of external sites or applications as it has no control over them. Users are solely responsible for accessing and using any websites administered by third parties.

2. Object of the platform

The purpose of this platform is to foster business in the Defence ecosystem by providing visibility to registered entities and available opportunities, such as national or international public tenders. To speed up the search and identification process, a matchmaking system is used to connect user profiles with opportunities and funding. Smart Defence platform aims to aggregate in a single space the individuals and national and international entities that participate in the Defence sector, such as the Ministry of National Defence, members of the Armed Forces, diplomatic attachés, private companies, research centers, students, journalists - among others -, as well as business opportunities.

The contents or forms of interaction provided are merely informative or operational and do not constitute a contractual relationship with the user.

3. Conduct when using this portal

The user must use this portal responsibly and must not compromise the continuity, integrity, and quality of its contents and functionalities, nor interfere with the rights and/or capacity of other users to use this platform.

It is expressly forbidden to use this platform for sharing any illegal content.

It is not permitted to publish any information or content belonging to third parties or over which the user does not hold the rights of use, such as, for example, content protected by third party copyright or content containing third party personal data, except with the expressed consent of the third party.

It is forbidden to use the platform to provide or transfer any type of content, files, or programs that may interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of the platform or any equipment.

For information on how we process your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.

4. Data sharing

Except for the entities that provide services for the operation of this platform, idD will not share with third parties any personal data you provide, except for what is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). For more information see our Privacy Policy.

5. External links

This platform contains links to third-party websites for which idD is not responsible. idD is not responsible for the content and functionality of such sites and their use is subject to their own terms and conditions of use and privacy policy, so we recommend that you read them carefully.

6. Intellectual Property

This platform, as well as all the elements present in it, namely texts, images, videos, logotypes, and symbols presented, are owned by idD, or the respective rights were properly ceded to idD.

The user does not have the right to use the contents of this portal for any purposes other than those foreseen in these Terms and Conditions.

The platform and its contents are protected by intellectual property rights (copyright or industrial property rights), personality rights, image rights, and respective applicable legislation, and the user is obliged to respect them.

The user may, however, extract the content present on this platform, if he/she does not modify it, considering that it is not intended for personal use, is of public, non-commercial interest contains a reference to its source, and that any other indication of ownership or intellectual property rights are not infringed.

7. Disclaimer

idD will make every effort to provide current, comprehensive, and accurate information on this platform.

However, in accordance with the legislation in force, idD does not assume any responsibility for consequences directly or indirectly related to any action or omission by the user based on the information and content provided on this platform.

8. Exclusion of guarantees

idD cannot guarantee uninterrupted, secure, or error-free access to this platform, nor that any errors will be corrected in a timely manner. As a user, you accept that any material or information obtained will be used at your own risk and that you are responsible for any damage that may be caused to the operating system or software of the device used to access the Smart Defence platform or for any loss of data that may result from the download of content or information contained on this platform.

You are solely responsible for ensuring that your devices are protected against threats resulting from any viruses and other security breaches. In addition, you should be aware that if you do not take appropriate security measures, there is an increased risk that your data, passwords, and devices will be accessed and obtained by third parties.


The Defence Technological and Industrial Base (DTIB) comprises the ecosystem of the national technological and industrial supply with relevant competencies for the Defence area.

DTIB is the set of institutions, companies, and national scientific and technological entities, both public (including the Armed Forces) and private, with the ability to intervene in the different phases of the life cycle of the Armed Forces' systems and equipment, and that contribute to the creation of qualified jobs, the strengthening of exports and national affirmation in international defence markets.

DTIB is managed by idD in the framework of the development of the Portuguese Defence Economy.

Joining the DTIB is a two-step process through the platform Smart Defence:

  • Upload the requested documentation;
  • Read the DTIB adhesion policy here:

By registering with DTIB through the platform (press here to find out how you can do it) you authorize the collection, storage, and processing of the data in this form for the purposes of management of DTIB by idD - Portugal Defence. This term is in accordance with the new RGPD - Regulation EU 2016/679 of Parliament and Council of 27 April, constituting a free, specific, informed, and explicit expression of will, by which the data subject or his legal representative accepts that personal data concerning him, be subject to processing in the manner legally permissible.

The applicant company or entity undertakes the obligation to deliver the requested documentation, to act in a responsible and correct manner, and to respond to all requests from idD Portugal Defence, accepting all the rights and obligations associated with its participation in BTID.

10. Final Provisions

If you have any questions or require additional information about these Terms and Conditions, you may contact us:

Identification: idD Portugal Defence S.A

Address: Av. Ilha da Madeira, nº35 K - 2ºB | Restelo Business Centre

Contact of the Data Protection Officer: geral@iddportugal.pt

Phone number: +351 215 885 020.