idD - Portugal Defence S.A.
idD Portugal Defence aims to make the Defence Technological and Industrial Base a relevant international player within the Defence Economy, through the following axes: Management of the participations that the Portuguese State holds in companies in the area of Defence; Management of the Defence Technological and Industrial Base (BTID), including representation of the BTID and the Portuguese State in the European Union, in NATO and in international forums relevant to the Defence Economy; Promotion of cooperation between the Armed Forces, companies, universities and research centres; Advisory services for transactions of military equipment, namely in the scope of the implementation of the Military Programming Law; Support to operations to monetize assets in the area of National Defence, namely in the scope of the implementation of the respective Infrastructure Law. idD Portugal Defence is a company with exclusively public capital under the joint supervision of the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Finance.
General information
Palácio Bensaúde, Estrada da Luz, n.º 153, 1600-153 Lisboa | PORTUGAL
Point of Contact
Daniel Vultos
21 588 5020