SISTRADE - Software Consulting, S.A. is a Portuguese company specialised in software development and consulting services for different sectors of activity, namely for industry and services. This activity aims to provide IT solutions to organisations, based on the latest technologies, so that they can take advantage of innovative management solutions, allowing them not only good internal management, but also an increasing connection to partners through e-commerce and online collaboration tools. SISTRADE has a team of employees specialised in web-based software development and knowledge of different business processes. These skills allow designing and implementing solutions in organisations with effective added value.
General information
Point of Contact
Maria Regina Barreto Soares Perfeito Magalhães Correia
918 215 543
Areas of interest
EequalMCM - European Extended Mine Countermeasures (E=MCM)
2023 - 2026
Above 25 000 000 €
European Defence Fund
Between borders (eg. min. 3 EU member states)
The project designs, prototypes and demonstrates a single system-of systems with scalable unmanned autonomous toolboxes and intelligent platforms and decision-support tools for mine-counter measures (MCM), to address the threats of drifting, tethered and buried mines. E=MCM’s objective is to deliver new MCM capabilities prototypes ready for industrialization in the EU. The project wants to improve the Detection, Classification, Localisation, Identification and Neutralisation (DCLIN) of mines and extend the reach of MCM operations.