Founded in 2011, Winning has stood out for adopting the scientific principles of Frederick Winslow Taylor in engineering and management, developing innovative strategic approaches focused on problem-solving. With a commitment to executing and supporting projects in an integrated manner, we are dedicated to accompanying each phase, from identifying the need to devising and implementing the solution, making a significant contribution to managing the expected benefits of projects and maximising return on investment (ROI). In the defence sector, where precision, innovation and efficiency are key, Winning stands out for its ability to identify problems and develop customised solutions for the client. Our offer ranges from project management and support, conducting research and applying for national and international funding, pre-, during and post-project impact analysis, formulating organisational strategies, agile transformation, capacity planning, to process improvement and automation. This breadth allows us to provide robust, integrated support that adds significant value. Our expertise and personalised approach position us as a partner of excellence in the defence sector, able to respond to complex challenges with effective and innovative solutions. Winning is committed to being the driving force behind the transformation and success of our clients' projects, ensuring results that not only meet, but exceed expectations.

General information


Rua Fernão Lopes, Nº 409, 2º Esquerdo, Porto

Point of Contact

Carlos Manuel Pimenta Imperadeiro

916 988 466

Areas of interest