Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia

Integration of the Polish Armed Forces with NATO military structures has been bringing some new challenges and Institute copes with them successfully. Weapon certification and test quality assurance systems were implemented according to European standards. Five testing labs received the accreditation from the Polish Accreditation Centre and Institute is authorised to issue certifications for more than 150 items. As the Institute creates a scientific background for the Army being a part of NATO structure its main goal is to maintain the highest level of specialisation in domains which decide about art of technology level for weapon systems and equipment for the Armed Forces and which due to the prestige and economical reasons should be manufactured in country.

General information


Military Institute of Armament Technology, Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego 7 Street, 05-220 Zielonka

Point of Contact

Bart Kozera

22 761 46 12


Areas of interest
